Mobile Waves Solutions

Celebrating the Success of Our Internal Leadership Academy- Training and Developing Tomorrow”s Leaders.

In a world where leadership and technical expertise are crucial for company growth, investing in talent from within is key. At Mobile Wave Solutions, we’re proud to celebrate the successful completion of our first-ever Internal Leadership Academy, where selected employees embarked on a journey to refine their skills, cultivate leadership qualities, and prepare for their […]

Mobile Wave Solutions – 10 years of leading role in the Bulgarian IT industry

Today, Mobile Wave Solutions stands as a leader in Bulgaria’s IT industry, enhancing the digital experience of over 50 million customers worldwide. The company partners with organizations across four key verticals: Healthcare, Tourism, Sports and Entertainment, and Enterprise Software (complex corporate solutions). Its strongest international presence is in the British market, where it has forged successful partnerships between Bulgarian and British businesses.

Women in IT – Driving positive change in the industry

We bring deep, functional expertise, but are known for our holistic perspective: we capture value across boundaries…

Mobile Wave Solutions Triumphs with Double Win at Prestigious Awards

We bring deep, functional expertise, but are known for our holistic perspective: we capture value across boundaries…

Mobile Wave Solutions joins the BBBA

Mobile Wave Solutions has joined the prestigious British Bulgarian Business Association (BBBA). Launched in January 2015, the BBBA’s mission is to promote business relations between the UK and Bulgaria. The BBBA with hubs in both London and Sofia and with over 210 members provides Mobile Wave Solutions with opportunities to expand its activity and network, […]