Mobile Waves Solutions

Women in IT – Driving positive change in the industry

Bulgaria’s IT industry is booming and women are playing a key role – not only designing and building technology, but actively shaping the future of the industry. Around half of the technology and science workforce in Europe are women according to Eurostat, with Bulgaria ranking the second highest proportion of female tech specialists (52%). 

Mobile Wave Solutions values each individual’s contribution and our people are the heart of our success. In this article we are meeting four ambitious women who are part of our tech team – Gabriela (Software Developer/Team Lead), Donika and Ivelina (QA Engineers) andDiana (Head of Project Management). They shared thoughts about their experience; everything from why they chose IT, to the perks of being a woman in a male-dominated industry, and advice for young women considering the tech space for their professional development.

Starting a career in IT

The IT industry attracts people from all walks of life and does not essentially require a tech background, but rather a passion and ambition to succeed in this industry.

I wanted to become a fighter pilot, but my application was rejected because I was too short. Then I made the decision that if I cannot fly I will write aircraft software. And just a few years later I am writing applications for a client’s project. I am happy that I followed my desire and became a developer , shares Gabriela.

The tech landscape is constantly evolving and the digitalisation creates demand for highly-skilled people: “The Information Technology industry operates at a speed much faster than any other one. IT professionals never stop learning and we have a lot of flexibility in how and where we can work.”, adds Donika.

The key to success

Having chosen a career in IT is just the start – success comes in different forms and there is no universal formula that works for everybody. What matters most are the personal qualities and soft skills, rather than the ability to be a flawless IT specialist. As Head of Project Management, Diana is confident that success means “building honest, reliable and open relations with colleagues, mentors and clients.” Like in any other industry, there are challenges one needs to take on in order to achieve big milestones.

“The key to my success is self-motivation, persistence and devotion. I had very big challenges throughout my journey, but I haven’t given up. I am very determined and when I have difficult problems to solve, I accept them as a challenge and I do my best to find a solution.”, says Gabriela.

The empowering role of Mobile Wave Solutions

Not all challenges can be solved alone. The workplace, corporate culture and team diversity play a key role in how employees evolve in both personal and professional aspects. “Mobile Wave Solutions believes in our capabilities, we learn and grow together. We support and promote”, says Diana. According to Ivelina, the people make the difference:

“Our team is diverse, with men and women with different backgrounds and interests. We all can improve and learn from each other through collaboration. After almost three fabulous years I am very grateful for all the empowerment from the team.”

Advice to young women

Although young women are still hesitant to pursue an IT career, the good news is that success is not measured by advanced technical knowledge alone. “Knowing how to code is a great skill, but it is not a requirement for being a successful part of the tech team.”, comments Donika. As a woman who never expected to be in “tech” but has now spent a few years working with amazing professionals, Ivelina is hopeful that more young females will choose this field to make it even more robust and innovative.

I think it is important for them to know they can successfully develop a career in the tech sector without committing to a life of programming. There are many ways to add value to tech organizations other than writing code, even in these software-driven times.”

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